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Hello, lovelies!

I started this blog to help women feel beautiful, no matter how old or what point in their life they are,

Since my late twenties, I’ve been worried about getting older, feeling older, and looking older. I’ve constantly let the fear of “being too old” get in the way of my aspirations while bringing out my insecurities. 

And then it finally hit me. Getting older doesn’t mean we have to give up our looks, our sense of style, or our zest for life. I’m finally ready to embrace my age, and I want to help other women do it too!

My blog is for everyone, but many of the articles are especially for women in their late twenties to earn forties who might be struggling with some of the same insecurities that I, myself, am working on. I’d love for you to come along for the ride, as I document my own personal journey of fashion, beauty, and wellness in my thirties. I hope that it might serve as an inspiration to help you find what makes you feel beautiful!

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